Control Systems

Led by Jude Kamoona, the Control Systems team is engaged in the software design of the robotic arm based on the hardware team's platform. The software team works in tandem with the hardware team to create a robotic arm capable of very powerful and articulate movement.

Using PID algorithms and a camera on the arm, ROS2 is used to interface with individual motors for predefined arm functions. Instructions like stowing the arm for transport and balancing a payload are made possible by the software team's integration with the arm's various motors. To test and simulate the robotic arm, the software team uses Gazebo.

Additionally, the Control Systems team is looking to improve its pipelineing communications in collaboration with the Wireless Commmunications Team. It's also working to simulate controls using MoveIt 2 which allows for control via an XBOX controller, which will be used in testing the IK and FK algorithms.

Current Members

  • Jude Kamoona
  • Francesco Leopardi
  • Marine Kaufmann
  • Zachary Tan

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