Boston University Mars Rover Club We are building the next best competition-ready Mars rover in the heart of Boston University. Club Profile Learn More

At a Glance

4 in 5

members have prior experience
21 %

of members identify as first generation

6 years

since the club was founded


Sub-teams: BUMRC's functional body is divided into 7 sub-teams that focus on different parts of the rover.

Autonomous Navigation Employing AI and machine learning to enable autonomous and intelligent rover operation. Mobility & Chassis Desiging, simulating, and manufacturing the rover's chassis and drivetrain system -- all in-house. Robotic Arm Hardware Constructing a software-ready robotic arm platform capable of rapid, precise movement in all directions. Control Systems Desiging a robotic arm software system which interfaces with the various internal arm components for complete and articulate control. Life Detection An integrated sample analysis system to detect signs of life — all on-board the rover. Wireless Communications Enabling a long-range communication link, operating on multiple frequencies for added reliability. Project Management Fostering relations with established businesses and organizations with shared interests, and raising funds for the club.